City leaders, public works officials and engineers frequently attend Triplex Liner job sites hosted by Infrastructure Rehab USA. There, they see first hand the level of detail and quality that goes into a Triplex Liner installation. Here Ron McNeil, founder, talks to the attendees and explains the process. We believe in education and offering a quality product that permanently solves manhole deterioration problems.
Severe Chemical Deterioration
Just how deteriorated can a sewer manhole be? Take a look at this photo. A manhole like this is structurally unsound and in danger of collapse due to severe chemical corrosion. Raw sewage can leak out of the structure and conversely, fresh groundwater can infiltrate the structure thereby requiring that fresh groundwater be treated as sewage. We will high pressure clean it, removing all loose debris, and structurally line it in one day. All of the above mentioned problems will be permanently solved. That's what we do.
Project Planning and Engineering in Texas
Infrastructure Rehab USA, a Triplex Liners Licensee recently completed a project in Montgomery, TX. Here Ron McNeil, founder of Triplex Liners is visiting the jobsite and discussing details of the installation with Stan Cooper of Bleyl Engineering.
Dual Installations in Montgomery, Texas
Infrastructure Rehab USA rehabilitates 32 Manholes in Montgomery, TX along the shores of Lake Conroe using Triplex Liners. In the photo below, two manholes are curing simultaneously. The Triplex Liner installation process is minimally disruptive and quick. A manhole can be fully and permanently rehabilitated in approximately four - six hours start to finish.
Hundreds of Structures in Plano, Texas
Texas Licensee, Infrastructure Rehab USA, is busy with Triplex Liner installations. Manholes are being permanently rehabilitate daily. Several hundred manholes have been completely rehabilitated over the past several years. More are planned for this year. Several large project of 100 or more structures each have been lined to date.