Talk is cheap. We all know that. Many manhole rehab companies make claims about their product being the best but the real life proof is the actual performance in the field. When municipalities spend our taxpayer dollars, they need to get the most bang for each buck. This is exactly what happens when Triplex Liners are installed to stop manhole deterioration and ground water infiltration. This manhole in Tallahassee, FL was completely rehabilitated on June 7, 1991. On November 27, 2021, this manhole was inspected as a part of our ongoing quality control inspections. Over 30 years later this liner is still in great shape doing the job it was designed to do. That’s why we do what we do. That’s why we make the liner we make. It does what it is designed to do.
If you’re interested in Triplex Liners, call us at 850-460-0474 or email
Tallahassee, FL - 30 years after the liner installation June 7, 1991 - (photo unretouched)
Over 30 years later. Inspection November 27, 2021 (photo unretouched - as is condition)